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Code Using GraphQL

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Next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM with a built-in data loader, which can be used when building GraphQL backends. For more information, go to https://www.prisma.io/graphql
Last release 3 weeks ago39kApache License 2.0
Insomnia is an open-source, cross-platform API Client for GraphQL, REST, and gRPC. Insomnia combines an easy-to-use interface with advanced functionality like authentication helpers, code generation, and environment variables.
Last release 5 days ago34kApache License 2.0
Hasura connects to your databases & microservices and instantly gives you a production-ready GraphQL API.
Last release 4 days ago31kApache License 2.0
Dgraph is a native GraphQL database with a graph backend. This means Dgraph is not an interface on top of an existing database like Postgres but is actually designed from the ground-up for GraphQL. It is optimized for speed and performance, depending on multiple computer science breakthroughs to get the best result. Dgraph Cloud is a fully managed GraphQL backend service that lets you iterate faster, without worrying about your infrastructure.
Last release 1 month ago20kOther

Install Steps if running locally on linux not on Dgraph Cloud:

docker pull dgraph/standalone
mkdir -p ~/dgraph
docker run -it -p 5080:5080 -p 6080:6080 -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 9080:9080 -p 8000:8000 -v ~/dgraph:/dgraph --name dgraph \

Set your GraphQL Schema:

touch schema.graphql
nano schema.graphql
type Product {
  id: ID!
  name: String! @id
  reviews: [Review] @hasInverse(field: about)
type Customer {
  username: String! @id
  reviews: [Review] @hasInverse(field: by)
type Review {
  id: ID!
  about: Product!
  by: Customer!
  comment: String @search(by: [fulltext])
  rating: Int @search
curl -X POST localhost:8080/admin/schema --data-binary '@schema.graphql'

Fire up your favorite GraphQL Client pointed at http://localhost:8080/graphql and run mutations and queries

mutation {
  addProduct(input: [{ name: "Dgraph" }, { name: "Dgraph Cloud" }]) {
    product {
  addCustomer(input: [{ username: "TonyStark" }]) {
    customer {
mutation {
    input: [
        by: { username: "TonyStark" }
        about: { name: "Dgraph" }
        comment: "Fantastic, easy to install, worked great. Best GraphQL server available"
        rating: 10
  ) {
    review {
      by {
      about {
query {
    filter: { comment: { alloftext: "server easy install" }, rating: { gt: 5 } }
  ) {
    by {
      reviews(order: { desc: rating }, first: 10) {
        about {
          reviews(order: { asc: rating, first: 5 }) {
            by {
    about {
Apache APISIX is a dynamic, real-time, high-performance API gateway providing rich traffic management features such as load balancing, dynamic upstream, canary release, observability, etc. As a cloud-native API gateway, Apache APISIX already can support GraphQL syntax at the beginning of its design. Efficiently matching GraphQL statements carried in requests can filter out abnormal traffic to further ensure security. For more information, please visit How to Use GraphQL with API Gateway Apache APISIX
Last release 1 month ago14kApache License 2.0
Tyk is a lightweight Open Source API Management Gateway that has built a Full API Life-Cycle Management around GraphQL with its own GraphQL engine that is written in Golang. Tyk supports schema stitching of multiple GraphQL and/or REST APIs through Universal Data Graph (UDG) as well as GraphQL Federation and GraphQL Subscription.
Last release 5 days ago10kOther
Webiny allows you to quickly build GraphQL APIs on top of AWS Lambda and DynamoDB with built-in scaffolds. Webiny also includes a ready-made headless GraphQL CMS for a no-code experience.
Last release 21 hours ago7kOther
A robust multi-protocol API client with features like API scripting, automation, collaborative workspaces, and comprehensive support for testing and developing GraphQL APIs.
Banana Cake Pop
A feature-rich GraphQL IDE by ChilliCream that let's you explore, manage, and test your GraphQL APIs. Check it out here.
Last release 4 days ago5kMIT License
An alternative to Postman that supports editing GraphQL queries directly and autoload your GraphQL schema.
Last release 1 week ago5kMIT License
A Java library that can expose a JPA annotated data model as a GraphQL service over any relational database.
Last release 1 week ago1kOther
Apollo Studio
A cloud service that helps you build, validate, monitor and secure your organizations data graph.
Typetta is an open-source ORM written in TypeScript that aims to allow seamless access to data in a typed fashion to all main SQL databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLLite3, CockroachDB, MariaDB, Oracle & Amazon Redshift) and also to the NoSQL database MongoDB.
Last release 11 months ago107Apache License 2.0
Create a serverless GraphQL API based on your data sources (REST & Databases), Third-Party APIs, or any combination. Instead of writing a GraphQL server yourself, you can define everything declaratively by writing GraphQL schemas. For more information, go to https://www.stepzen.com/.
42MIT License
graphapi® is a secure low-code GraphQL-as-a-service platform. Based on the input data model, it auto-generates the GraphQL schema, all resolvers, and the database stack. Additionally, it provides a user interface allowing teams to manage their data. For more information, go to https://graphapi.com.
2MIT License
A GraphQL API to query and mutate data across APIs like Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics, Pipedrive, and many more.
AWS AppSync
Fully managed GraphQL service with realtime subscriptions, offline programming & synchronization, and enterprise security features as well as fine grained authorization controls.
Fully managed GraphQL backend based on open source Parse Platform. Store and query relational data, run cloud functions and more over GraphQL API. Free to get started.
Escape – GraphQL Security
Live GraphQL Security & Compliance. Ensure your GraphQL endpoints are production-ready. During development. Without needed configuration. Supports every language and framework. Free to get started.
Create an instant GraphQL backend by importing a gql schema. The database will create relations and indexes for you, so you'll be ready to query in seconds, without writing any database code. Serverless pricing, free to get started.
GraphQL backends made easy. Build your backend declaratively using a schema-first approach. Accelerate development and reduce boilerplate code by leveraging powerful directives and scalars.
Fast and free security scan to run a dozen of tests on a GraphQL endpoint. No login is required.
Hygraph is the federated content platform that allows true composability of your stack. Integrate all your services with a unique content federation approach and distribute content from anywhere - to anywhere using a single, powerful GraphQL API.
A headless CMS (Content Management System) that combines powerful content personalisation and scheduling capabilities with a modern content editing experience and a blazing fast GraphQL/REST content delivery API.
Moesif API Analytics
A GraphQL analaytics and monitoring Service to find functional and performance issues.
A SaaS (Software as a Service) content management system that allows you to create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API.